The Legendary Edition of Halo 3 is the true collector’s edition. This is a complete and exhaustive package of lovingly crafted materials designed to enhance and expand the Halo 3 experience. These range from remastered cinematics from Halo and Halo 2 (complete with director’s commentaries) to a Halo-themed AV calibration tool specifically designed to get the most from Halo3’s graphics and sound.Professionally produced documentary features take you from the grueling crunch of the production of Halo 3 to the stored experiences of Halo fans allover the world famous and obscure alike.An expanded digital Bestiarum is a fascinating look into the cultures history and creatures of the Halo universe. A customer created Xbox 360disc features exclusive Halo 3 Gamer Pics and a Dashboard theme a vast gallery of concept and production are (complete with musical accompaniment) and a fully playable version of a classic Halo-themed mini-game.This collection has been assembled by Bungie Studios with true care and attention to detail to explore and illuminate every corner of the Halouniverse. We hope you enjoy experiencing it as much as we enjoyed creating it.Product Features Remastered cinematics from Halo and Halo 2 Exclusive Halo 3 Gamer Pics and a Dashboard theme Fully playable version of a classic Halo-themed mini-game.
HALO 3 Essentials